Category: News & Events

Christmas Services and Celebration

DAY EVENT VENUE TIMES Thursday 31st December 2015 Kiahk Praises St. Mary & St. Mark’s Coptic Centre 6.00pm -9.30pm Divine Liturgy  St. Mary & St. Mark’s Coptic Centre 9.30pm (offertory at 10) – 11.45pm Kiahk Praises St. Mary & Archangel Michael’s Cathedral 6.00pm-9.30pm Divine Liturgy St. Mary & Archangel Michael’s Cathedral 9.30pm (offertory at 10) – 11.45pm Sunday …

Hegumen, Archdeacon and Reader Ordinations

His Grace Bishop Missael officiated three ordinations on Sunday 22nd November 2015 at the Coptic Centre. Fr. John Saleeb, who now serves in North Wales, was elevated to the rank on Hegumen. Dr. Mokhlis Mina was elevated to the rank of Archdeacon, being ordained on the Church of St. Mary & Archangel Michael in Solihull by …

Copts Discovered

Sunday 13th September 2015 saw St. Mary & Archangel Michael’s Church open its doors to the community for its “Copts Discovered” event. The event aimed to introduce the Coptic Orthodox Church to visitors whilst at the same time giving them a taste (literally) of its rich history and culture. Fr. John welcomed the visitors and made …

Better Together 2015

On the last week of August, the secondary school youth gathered for the second annual summer retreat in the Coptic Centre. The theme this year was about friendships so it was titled “Better Together”. We started off on Tuesday night with an introduction from Abouna Youhanna before having a delicious dinner and lights out. Wednesday morning was blessed with Abouna Peter …


What? Our mission is to bring Christ’s children together in unity; instead of staying at home, come and enjoy a day altogether at St. Mary & Archangel Michael’s, Solihull! There is a short Liturgy from 9-10:20 AM Activities are scheduled to start from 11 AM Bible Study  Of course, there will be food and a chilled …

The Life Of Christ

The Life of Christ is a live performance featuring a 200 member cast with the ambition to experience the gospel. We attended the performance on Saturday 27th June 2015, departing from St. Mary & Archangel Michael’s, Solihull at 8am  to Guildford, where the performance took place. The play with its script, cast and venue was …

Petition to Theresa May, The Home Secretary to grant Fayza Gindy Tadros Abdelsayed leave to remain in the UK

Source: Petition to Theresa May, The Home Secretary to grant Fayza Gindy Tadros Abdelsayed leave to remain in the UK Petition by iPetitions Petition by iPetitions