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These are some of our ministries, please do get in touch if you’d like to volunteer or if you want to find out more information about a ministry.

Primary Children
+ Sunday School Classes
+ Performances & Choir
+ Trips & Retreats
+ Coptic & Hymns
+ St. Mark Festival
+ Sports
+ Tuition

Secondary Children
+ Sunday School Classes
+ Trips & Retreats
+ Coptic & Hymns
+ St. Mark Festival
+ Sports
+ Tuition
+ University & Career Applications

Youth & Young Adults
+ Students
+ Graduates
+ Trips, Conferences & Activities
+ Pre-Servants Class
+ Sports

+ Cana of Galilee (Couples)
+ Deacons & Deaconesses
+ Mary & Martha Families
+ Senior Citizens
+ General Bible Studies
+ Servants
+ Trips, Conferences & Activities
+ Wellbeing & Counselling
+ Newcomers Assistance

+ Spiritual Mission
+ Sick, Hospital & Prison Service
+ Healthcare Mission
+ Homeless & Vulnerable Mission
+ Media & Online Services
+ Introducing our Faith
+ Ecumenical Relations

+ Communications
+ Bookshop
+ Meet & Greet Team
+ Hospitality
+ Maintenance
+ Liturgical
+ Facility Management
+ IT & Database
+ Church Council
“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” ~ 2 Cor 9:7
Donating is now easier than ever. You can Gift Aid your donations through all of these ways, meaning the church receives 25% extra funding on top of your contribution from the government and this is tax detuctable (conditions apply).
Gift aid declaration forms for bank transfers along with account details are available upon request.
Contact us
You can send us a message here and we will get back to you. Please note all spam and matters outside our jurisdiction will not be responded to.