Category: News & Events

H.G. Bishop Moussa Visit 2014

His Grace Bishop Moussa will give some talks at the Coptic Centre on Thursday 25th December 2014 (Christmas Day) from 1-5pm. On Friday 26th December (Boxing Day) he will pray the Holy Liturgy from 9-11am then meet the congregation. It would be lovely if as many as possible can make it – please invite others …

Christmas 2014 Mission

On Friday 12th December, the youth of St. Mary & Archangel Michael’s Church visited the nearby St. Michael’s care home in Solihull to wish the residents a merry Christmas. They spent some time chatting and making friends with the residents. Later on, the residents joined the youth in singing Christmas carols over tea and cake. Towards the …

Primary School “Who Am I?” Conference

The Primary School Half-Term Conference was a great success. It was well attended, all the children enjoyed the day – learning interactively about friendship, bullying, their identity in Christ, their relationship with Christ and boundaries. After the workshops had finished they split into two groups, one had storytime and the older group had a discussion about …

Newbies Meet the Oldies!

To welcome the new students this academic year studying in and around Birmingham there was a meet and greet lunch at Solihull Church on Saturday 27th September after the liturgy for the Feast of the Cross. Fr. John then gave a talk about the Cross in Our Lives.

2014 Purity Retreat

Friday the 15th August 2014 saw the commencement of the young youth Purity Retreat. The talk and workshop of Friday were focused on dating, the influence of society’s views and what the Church teaches us. The Saturday covered two topics also both in the talks and workshops, one discussed why the use of alcohol and …

The Feast of the Apostles and Open Day in Solihull 2014

On Saturday 12th Jul 2014, we were blessed with the presence of His Grace Bishop Thomas in the Liturgy for the  the Feast of the Apostles. His Grace talked to us about Realising The Power That Works In Us.  After celebrating the Divine Liturgy St. Mary & Archangel Michael’s Church officially opened its doors to visitors …

Remembering the Thrice Blessed Pope Shenouda III

See full album of His Holiness Pope Shenouda’s Pastoral Visit to Birmingham in 2006, consecrating the Church of St. Mary & St. Abu-Sefein  Enthroning as Pope of Alexandria He was enthroned as Pope Shenouda III, the 117th Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark on November 14, 1971 , nearly 9 …