Our community is supervised by His Grace Bishop Missael who is the Diocesean Bishop of the Midlands in the U.K.
H.G. Bishop Missael
Tel: +44 1564 783926
Diocese website: www.ukmidcopts.org
We are also blessed to be served by four priests (in order of ordination) and one archdeacon:
Hegumen Fr. John (Youhanna)
Priest of St. Mary & Archangel Michael and St. Mary & St. Antony parishes
Tel: +44 7912 861406
Email: frjyanny[at]ukmidcopts.org
Hegumen Fr. Peter
Priest of St. Mary & St. Abu-Sefein parish
Tel: +44 1564 783926
Presbyter Fr. Andrew
Priest of St. Mary & St. Abu-Sefein parish
Presbyter Fr. David
Priest of St. Mary & St. Abu-Sefein parish
Archdeacon Mokhlis
Serving in the St. Mary & Archangel Michael and St. Mary & St. Antony parishes
Tel: +44 121 7043257