
H.G. Bishop Missael – Bishop of the DIocese of the Midlands, UK

H.G. Bishop Missael – Bishop of the Diocese of the Midlands, UK

Our community is supervised by His Grace Bishop Missael who is the Diocesean Bishop of the Midlands in the U.K.

H.G. Bishop Missael
Tel: +44 1564 783926
Diocese website:

We are also blessed to be served by four priests (in order of ordination) and one archdeacon:

Hegumen Fr. John (Youhanna)
Priest of St. Mary & Archangel Michael and St. Mary & St. Antony parishes
Tel: +44 7912 861406
Email: frjyanny[at]

Hegumen Fr. Peter
Priest of St. Mary & St. Abu-Sefein parish
Tel: +44 1564 783926

Presbyter Fr. Andrew
Priest of St. Mary & St. Abu-Sefein parish

Presbyter Fr. David
Priest of St. Mary & St. Abu-Sefein parish

Archdeacon Mokhlis
Serving in the St. Mary & Archangel Michael and St. Mary & St. Antony parishes
Tel: +44 121 7043257